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Why are sauna hats used?

The sauna hat, very common in the Baltic countries, has the purpose of protecting the head from overheating during the sauna session.

Sauna hats are a very important accessory when going to the sauna. They protect your head and hair from overheating when in the hot sauna, as overheating can occur at high temperatures. The head is most sensitive to the heat in the sauna: you may feel dizzy, your hair may become drier, and the capillaries on your skin may be exposed. All of this can happen while enjoying the sauna.

However, when the sauna hat protects your head, you will enjoy the healing effect of the sauna for a long time. In addition, sauna hats are an indispensable assistant in the fight for the beauty of your hair. Sauna hats protect hair from drying out, and without it, they lose a lot of moisture, become dry and weak, sauna hats protect against overheating and the undesirable effects of high temperatures.

What are sauna hats made of? Sauna hats can be very different.

Synthetic sauna hats are the worst choice and not even worth considering. However, synthetics are not suitable, because not only do they not protect the garment from high temperatures, but they can also cause damage.

Mostly sauna hats are made of wool, flax, cotton. It’s best when they are natural, without additional dyes.

It is categorically forbidden to use rubber swimming caps in the sauna: because they get very hot and can cause heat strokes, moreover, this type of cap compresses the head a lot, so you can feel migraine and feel bad. After all, the sauna is for relaxation.

Finally, felt and woolen sauna hats are considered the best. Effectively protect your head and hair from overheating. The sauna hats are made of wool, which has thermoregulating properties and leaves the scalp free to breathe. Wearing woolen or felt hats will make you feel comfortable while in the hot sauna and you can stay for a long time.